Santa Clara has its 3D sewer: "Another work of the revolution."

The sloppy work of homegrown communism leaves another dangerous 3D sewer in Cuba, but it is not more popular or central than that of the Pan-American Village in Havana.

Alcantarilla 3D en Santa Clara © Facebook Accidentes de Buses y Camiones
3D Sewer system in Santa ClaraPhoto © Facebook Bus and Truck Accidents

An Internet user shared an image of the new 3D sewer in Santa Clara, which is generating controversy on social media.

The new example of the sloppiness of native communism came to light in a post on the Facebook profile "Accidentes de Buses y Camiones" (Bus and Truck Accidents).

Facebook Bus and Truck Accidents

A citizen sarcastically reported how this "beautiful 3D sewer" is a danger to road safety, but the authorities ignore it.

Look at this beauty on a street in Santa Clara. You need a KP3 truck to drive through that street. Later on, they are demanding the drivers," said the user who shared the photo.

The reactions did not take long to reach social media. One person recalled that this is "another work of the revolution."

"It's beautiful, but I can show you the ones around my house that are sisters to that one. You can no longer walk through any street in Cuba," another user commented.

The most famous 3D sewer in Cuba is located in the Pan American Village. Since its appearance on social media in September 2023, this "revolutionary sewer construction typology" has taken on its own name inspired by popular wisdom.

Yes, it's called "3D sewer" because it's not at ground level as it should be. It has a concrete edge which, depending on its type, can be round like the one in Santa Clara or square like the one in Havana.

This elevation of several centimeters represents a great danger for drivers, especially those on motorcycles, as crashing into such a wall can cause them to lose control of the vehicle and provoke an accident.

The criticisms on social media have been intense, and the government of Havana has restored the sewer three times. However, each intervention is worse. This is one of the most popular and evident cases of the shoddiness of Creole communism.

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