"Round 2": Claude Taylor prepares more posters about Trump and dictators in Miami.

The Democrat placed the first sign on Palmetto Avenue, comparing Donald Trump to Fidel Castro on that billboard. The image has sparked a major controversy in Miami during the 2024 election campaign.

The Democrat Claude Taylor, founder of the political action committee Mad Dog Pac, announced that he is preparing his second round of political billboards where he links the figure of Donald Trump with Latin American dictators.

The first billboard was unveiled this week on Palmetto Avenue in Miami. It compares Donald Trump to Fidel Castro and has sparked a great controversy on social media and in public spaces. The next image will feature another iconic figure, Che Guevara.

This week, some followers of the former Republican president have taken to the streets of Miami to protest against this billboard. Donald Trump's voters even went as far as threatening the city government to close the busy road if the political propaganda is not removed.

However, Taylor commented that her campaign has received around 250 contributions in the last two days, and of those, more than 150 come from Miami and South Florida.

The fact is that most of our Second Round "Castro Trump," which is about to be revealed, was funded by Cuban Americans. It's a fact," he said.

Many Cubans in exile are followers of Trump and consider it a great lack of respect to compare the former president with Fidel Castro because, first of all, the Republican came to power through free elections, while the deceased Cuban ruler did so through armed means.

On Wednesday, on the social network X, Taylor expressed: "Do you hate our poster? Guess what? This country continues to be free," in response to Trump's followers.

In the images shared by the publicist on his social media, he also includes posters of Trump with Venezuelan ruler Nicolás Maduro and the late Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías. It's not just the Cuban community that will react to this campaign.

Claude Taylor is a photographer, publicist, and political operative. He worked as a White House official during the Bill Clinton Administration. He also has professional experience as a gallery owner and currently presides over Mad Dog Pac.

He insists that the United States is a country where freedom of expression must be respected, and he is exercising his right by placing these posters during the electoral campaign.

Apparently this democrat believes that the freedoms enjoyed by Americans could be in danger if Donald Trump wins the presidential elections in November.

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