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Police change the sign against power outages that appeared in Santiago de Cuba: What does the new sign say?
Donald Trump announces dialogue with China regarding tariffs
A banner against the regime appears on an apartment building in Santiago de Cuba
Wife of Cuban imprisoned in Mexico: "They have shattered our dream."
Kidnapping in Mexico: Cuban mother and her daughter held by a cartel demanding money
A poster against blackouts appears in Santiago de Cuba: "Down with the government"
A sign at the Hotel Presidente in Havana generates mockery: "La Machi approves this message."
Cuban migrant shot at as he exits a bank in Tapachula, Mexico
Truck featuring images of Fidel Castro, Maduro, Chávez, and Trump heads to Miami
"Round 2": Claude Taylor prepares more posters about Trump and dictators in Miami
Yordenis Ugás criticizes poster featuring a photo of Fidel Castro in Miami: "I find it hard to believe."
Controversial poster author on Fidel Castro in Miami: “It remains a free country”
A poster in Miami sparks controversy by comparing Donald Trump to Fidel Castro
Paseo de Alquízar wakes up with a sign saying "Down with Canel."
Nine years in prison for a young man who painted "Down with Canel Singao" on the so-called "Malecón without Water" in Havana
Posters appear at the funeral home in Matanzas: "No blackouts and more food."
They paint another poster against the government in Havana
A poster against Díaz-Canel is painted on a wall in Santiago de Cuba three weeks after the protests
State Security covers protest posters with cardboard in Havana
Patria y Vida poster revealed in Havana: "As clear as water"
A Cuban woman writes antigovernment slogans on the wall of her house and ends up in the police
Cuban paints her house with anti-government slogans in Sancti Spíritus
Supporters of the regime hold an event in front of the wall where posters against Díaz-Canel appeared in Matanzas
Posters against Díaz-Canel appear in Matanzas following an intense day of protests on March 17th
Regime supporters greet Díaz-Canel with banners in New York
Neighbors hang protest signs after eight months without water in Havana
Messages against Díaz-Canel appear at the PCC headquarters in Morón
A poster against Díaz-Canel appears in Palma Soriano: "Hand over the country"
A "NO TO THE PCC" banner appears at the Humboldt 7 building in Havana
The New Directory paints a poster against the PCC at the University of Havana
The New Directory claims another anti-government poster in Havana: "No to the PCC"
They paint "Down with the dictatorship" on the façade of the Physics Faculty at the University of Havana
Cartel against Team Asere in Havana
They are calling for protests against the regime during the Cuba team's game in Miami
A huge banner reading "Down with the Dictatorship" has been painted on a street in Havana
They painted an allegorical mural of Patria y Vida in front of the Military Hospital in Matanzas
They paint "Down with Díaz-Canel" on a wall in Havana
Police operation due to antigovernment cartel on a Havana avenue
They paint a poster against Díaz-Canel on a street in Bauta
Posters reading "Down with the dictatorship" and against Díaz-Canel have appeared in Holguín
Police operation against Díaz-Canel in pre-university institution in Cienfuegos
Messages against Díaz-Canel on the walls of Cuba
They paint a "Homeland and Life" poster in a stadium in Havana
An enormous sign reading "Patria y Vida" has been painted in the teachers' village in Havana
They modify the facade of the ETECSA office in Havana, where signs against Díaz-Canel were painted
Large police operation for "Patria y Vida" cartel in Centro Habana
They write a sign saying "Down with the dictatorship" on the bridge of the Novia del Mediodía highway in Havana
Díaz-Canel faces criticism after calling to "sow ideas and awareness."
They held a political event in front of a wall where they wrote "Down with Díaz-Canel" in Santos Suárez
Government slogans are painted on a wall where protest posters appeared in Havana
They are putting "Díaz-Canel singao" back up in the ETECSA office in Havana
They write "Díaz-Canel, son of a bitch" in the ETECSA office in Havana
They are painting a wall in Havana to erase the sign "Homeland and Life."
Posters appear in cities across Cuba in support of the march on November 15: "The strike is on."
The Cuban embassy in the U.S. wakes up to a huge "Cuba Libre" banner in front of its façade
"Murderers," "No more hunger," "Long live human rights": Posters that appeared on the walls of Baracoa
Police remove political banners at a Cuba baseball team game in Florida
Cuba: Signs against the government are being painted in the Pan American Village of Havana
"Fewer patrols, more ambulances," the campaign of a Cuban designer in Switzerland
They covered a "Patria y Vida" poster at a bus stop in Havana