El Divo starts the summer enjoying time with her husband Roy: "One lucky day you crossed my path."

Eduardo Antonio shares an emotional selfie on social media with his husband Roy, enjoying a day of pool and love.

Eduardo Antonio y Roy García © Instagram / Eduardo Antonio
Eduardo Antonio and Roy García.Photo © Instagram / Eduardo Antonio

Summer has already begun, and there is no better plan than starting it with a dip in a swimming pool. At least that's what Eduardo Antonio thinks, who this Thursday shared a photo of himself enjoying a refreshing swim in the company of his husband Roy García.

The Cuban singer, also known as The Divo of Placetas, posted a selfie in which he appears next to his husband in a pool, thus showing the good couple they make together. This is something that his fans have made known to him in the comments section.

The image, which has accumulated dozens of reactions and supportive comments from his followers, is accompanied by a romantic text that says: "And suddenly one lucky day you crossed my path." A phrase that reflects the love Eduardo Antonio feels towards his partner, highlighting how fortunate he feels to have Roy in his life.

It is worth mentioning that the Cuban artist is in the midst of promoting his new musical release "I Will Not Give Up", a song that he performed earlier this week on the program Despierta América.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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