Things newcomers deal with: They call her for the food stamps, and she hangs up because she doesn't speak English.

The video was uploaded to the internet by his daughter-in-law.

A video posted on TikTok of a scene of a Cuban woman newly arrived in the United States has elicited laughter, empathy, and comments from users who felt identified.

In the video, which was uploaded to the internet by the Cuban lady's daughter-in-law, we see the moment when she is called for the food stamps, and, amid nerves and instructions from her son to press the correct option and indicate that she only communicates in Spanish, she decides to hang up the phone because she doesn't know English.

Things newcomers do. They called her from the office* and she hung up because she doesn't speak English," reads above the video that captures one of the experiences of Cubans - and surely many other immigrants - in their early days in the United States.

The post (shared by @isaurax30dias) has generated a series of reactions of empathy and humor among the platform's users, who quickly shared their own similar experiences.

Imagine me arriving in Chicago in 1995 when even to call companies there were no Spanish-speaking representatives, I was desperate with a dictionary, now there is at least a cell phone; "We all went through that"; "That's how lost we are with English, what stress"; "I even got calls for jobs, I said I knew and then hung up because I hardly understood anything"; "Poor thing, she got nervous, that happens to all of us"; "Oh my God, the struggles"; "Oh, that's me"; "Literally, what stress", reads among the reactions.

Has this happened to you or do you know someone who had a similar experience when they first arrived?

What do you think?


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