Cuban in the USA sends message to compatriots on the island: "Here we also face difficulties."

In her words, she advised learning to say no when it's not possible.

In a video that has sparked comments and reactions on TikTok, a Cuban living in the United States, known on the platform as @chicadiabla1390, sent a message to her compatriots on the island, addressing the perception that life abroad is easy and without difficulties.

"Here we also have our own life, here we have to pay for everything: from rent, car, insurance, doctor, everything is paid for here," he began in the video, where he emphasized that many times Cubans on the island believe that residents abroad are millionaires, but the reality is different: "We Cubans speculate a lot in Cuba and it's not quite like that."

In her argument, the young woman referred to the obstacles faced by emigrants and compared it to those who remain in Cuba: "there, anyone can give you a plate of food or a little bit of rice," while "here in this country it's not like that, here you have to fight for what's yours, here you don't ask your neighbor for anything," she exemplified.

The message generated a strong response from the TikTok community, where it received numerous comments of support and understanding such as "I take my hat off to you, my queen"; "You are absolutely right, it's pure reality"; "Here we work like dogs and you have to pay for everything, in Cuba friends think one has changed"; "It's the best truth I've heard"; "So much truth in your words"; "Very true but many don't understand," reads in the comments, among which there were also those who pointed out that, despite everything, it is possible to progress and have decent living conditions elsewhere, while on the island, not even working gets you there.

"Here, at least by working you get ahead, but in Cuba it's not the same, the situation is tough"; "Very true, the only thing is that here you don't go hungry like in Cuba," they said.

The video ended with an invitation to learn how to say "no" when necessary and establish boundaries to not compromise one's own stability in the attempt to help others.

It is not the first time, however, that a message like this has sparked debate on the network.

Don't look down on those who left Cuba as if they were a "yuma" exploiting them and asking for gum. Cuban family, be content with what one can provide. Those who left Cuba and arrived in another country have a tough life, the life of an emigrant is very hard," advised Cuban TikToker Kuki Acea, who resides in Spain, recently.

"I work myself to death, I do overtime to buy gifts, things, and clothes for the children and they don't appreciate it. They don't appreciate anything at all, I give them money and they want more. They want the latest phone of the year, they want brand-name clothes that I don't even wear, and brand-name shoes that I don't wear," also lamented a Cuban in the USA.

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