Cubans pay for billboard supporting Trump in Miami

The controversy over the billboard that compares Donald Trump to Fidel Castro generated reactions from the Cuban community residing in Miami.

Valla publicitaria pagada por cubanos en Miami © X/José Alberto
Billboard paid for by Cubans in MiamiPhoto © X/José Alberto

Cuban residents in the United States paid for a billboard in Miami, in support of former president and current Republican Party presidential candidate, Donald Trump.

The billboard was placed on the Palmetto Expressway, where a similar one had been previously placed featuring the image of Trump with the deceased Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, which sparked a big controversy on social media, as well as in the public space in Miami.

However, this Friday, Republican congresswoman María Elvira Salazar announced that the billboard would be taken down early Saturday morning.

The Vice President and General Manager of Lamar Advertising for South Florida has just informed me that the billboard featuring the dictator Fidel Castro will be removed tonight,” Salazar said through his account on the social network X.

All of these actions are happening amid an electoral campaign in the United States that has not yet reached its climax, but is already foreseeing moments of tension and interest leading up to the election date on Tuesday, November 5.

The creator of the controversial billboard featuring the image of Trump and Castro, Claude Taylor, leader of an anti-Trump Political Action Committee, also announced the arrival of a truck with the images of the two former leaders, as well as Nicolás Maduro and Hugo Chávez, fueling the controversy in the City of the Sun.

Taylor announced that in addition to the photos, the vehicle will play a video showing Castro giving a speech, with Trump's voice overlaid talking about shark attacks, electric boats, an obvious mockery of the two former presidents.

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