A premature baby was found floating in the Bay of Havana.

The baby's body was seen on the morning of June 6th in the Bay of Havana, in the area of the San José Warehouses. The placenta was still attached to the umbilical cord.

Bomberos en la zona donde se encontró el bebé © Twitter / Dedoverde
Firefighters in the area where the baby was foundPhoto © Twitter / Dedoverde

A newborn baby was found dead floating in the Bay of Havana, an incident on which the authorities have not commented.

On social media, a photo and a video of the child are circulating, who still had the placenta attached to the umbilical cord. Due to the minimal degree of decomposition, it seems that not much time passed between when they dumped him and when he was found.

The body of the baby was seen by people last Wednesday, June 6 in the morning at Havana Bay, in the area of the San Jose Warehouses, where the craft fair is located, as revealed to CiberCuba by Alain Cuban Paparazzi, who was sent the video.

"A young man who was there sent me the video, but he left quickly when the Police arrived and threatened to confiscate the phones," stated the influencer.

Rescuers, curious onlookers, and authorities at the scene / X

The little one, who could be premature, could have been thrown into the water in the bay, or maybe in a river or drainage that later led there.

The fact has sparked outrage among Cuban internet users.


In recent years, there have been several cases of babies being abandoned by their mothers.

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