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Cuban mother explodes with indignation over the death of her baby due to alleged medical negligence

The youngest, just six months old, died on April 10 from respiratory arrest.

A young mother exploded with indignation in the vicinity of the Tomás Romay polyclinic, in Old Havana, over the death due to respiratory arrest of her six-month-old baby due toalleged medical negligence in that hospital center.

A video published on social networks by the independent mediaDNA showed a group of relatives gathered around the polyclinic after the minor's tragic outcome.

Magaly Sánchez, the baby's mother, visibly upset, said that she had been poorly cared for since she was pregnant and that it was not the first time that she had problems with the health care of her little son.

As the woman explained - in the midst of a marked exaltation -The baby would have been given an excessive dose of rocephin, an antibiotic used to fight bacterial infections.

In recent years, there have been several cases of families who have reported on social media the death of young children or even newborn babies, allegedly as a result of medical negligence.

In February, a child of just two years old also died in Havana due tomisdiagnosis of bacterial meningitis, a very serious disease that in a few hours can lead to a fatal outcome, as happened in that case.

It was a marked medical emergency that, even after being correctly diagnosed, should have been treated as soon as possible in order to minimize possible consequences.

Also at the beginning of this year,A Guantanamo father reported the death of his eight-month-old son after doctors allegedly did not detect in time that the minor had a congenital heart malformation.

In that case he was diagnosed with otitis, supposedly caused by teething. However, two days later the child became seriously ill at home with shortness of breath and went into respiratory arrest. Upon arriving at the hospital, another respiratory arrest occurred, after which the minor was reported in serious condition. The next day he had a third respiratory arrest that caused his death, and only after he died was the family informed "that the child had a small deformation in his heart."

In another case of alleged medical negligence, at the end of January the death ofa newborn baby at the Enrique Cabrera Cossío General Teaching Hospital, popularly known as “National Hospital”, in Havana.

Similar complaints are frequent amid the evident collapse of the Cuban public health system, marked by the growing shortage of specialists and supplies.

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