Kentucky Cuban, on living in Florida: "Your salary is to pay for the efficiency because that can't be called rent."

A Cuban from Kentucky goes viral by humorously criticizing the rental prices in Florida.

A funny conversation between two Cubans living in Kentucky has gone viral on TikTok. They discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living outside of Florida with a humorous twist that has brought laughter to the Cuban community on the social network.

The protagonist of this video is the Cuban Ariam Hernández (@yanaima0512), who throughout the video exposes the disadvantages of living in Florida, focusing on the high housing prices, while driving a car.

"These things don't happen in Florida," says the voice of a woman from the back of the car. "No, what doesn't happen in Florida are the high rental prices that are there," responds Ariam, who humorously criticized the housing problems in Miami.

"If you live in the downtown area, you live under a tunnel, let's not call it efficiency. Four slabs and one bathroom. Quality of life that makes it seem like you are living in Africa and not in just any country in Africa," says this Cuban man, while the woman tries to convince him that Florida is a good state to live in.

"If you came from there to here and the first thing you noticed was the quality of housing. The second thing, the abysmal salary compared to there," he adds.

The food is cheaper there, but they don't pay you enough to buy it. They pay you to cover the rent, the efficiency, because that can't be called rent. People take a parking lot, put in an air conditioner, hang Amazon curtains, and that's it, they rent it out for 5,000 dollars," he concludes.

"I had to follow you, each video is better than the other, hahaha fan of your brother", "Oh, I died, how funny, montoky", "I live in Miami and he is absolutely right" or "I have to follow him because he is so funny", are some of the comments they left him.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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