Dr. Durán acknowledges that there is no fuel for mosquito fumigation.

The Oropouche virus has been detected in several areas of the island.

Dr. Francisco Durán © Juventud Técnica
Dr. Francisco DuránPhoto © Juventud Técnica

The National Director of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP), Francisco Durán, acknowledged this Wednesday that the country does not have fuel to fumigate against mosquitoes, in the midst of an increasing presence of the Oropouche virus in Cuba.

In a recent press conference, the prestigious doctor said that this disease, detected for the first time on the island during the week that ended on May 31, has been mainly identified in suburban and rural areas, as reported by the Juventud Técnica media.

The Oropouche virus is transmitted by a mosquito of the Culex genus, present throughout the country and breeding in any body of water, which hinders its control.

The symptoms of the disease include high fever, headaches, joint pain, general discomfort, vomiting, and diarrhea, distinguishing it from dengue by the duration of the symptoms.

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However, Durán stated that there are current limitations regarding fuel and insecticides, which affects fumigation actions against mosquitoes.

Actions to combat vectors and focus controls are being prioritized in areas where positive cases of Oropouche or dengue have been detected; however, there is no fuel available for fumigation, clarified the official.

The virus, which has already circulated this year in some countries in the region, mainly in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, and Peru, had never been detected in Cuba.

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