Cuban elderly man has been missing for nearly a week in Havana.

The man's name is Orlando Pérez Sosa and they call him El Chino. He lives in El Vedado, near the Zapata and C Police Unit.

Orlando Pérez Sosa (El Chino) © Raymer Brown / Facebook
Orlando Pérez Sosa (El Chino)Photo © Raymer Brown / Facebook

A 75-year-old Cuban man has been missing for almost a week in Havana.

The gentleman's name is Orlando Pérez Sosa, and they call him El Chino. He lives in Plaza municipality, on 35th Street, number 300F, between A and B, near the Zapata and C Police Unit.

The internet user identified on Facebook as Raymer Brown, the nephew of the man, has been asking for help on social media for days to see if anyone can provide him with any information about his uncle.

The elderly man was described as having a normal build, white hair, and sunburned skin.

Facebook screenshot / Raymer Brown

"Please, if you see him, notify at the following numbers 52685331, 55109783, and 54234749," he specified.

Brown did not provide any other details that could help in the search for the elderly man, such as the clothes he was wearing the last time he was seen, where he was headed when he left his house, or if he suffers from any mental illness.

It is also not known if the family filed a report with the Police.

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