A teenager who was reported missing in Havana has been found alive.

Antoni's mother announced the good news and thanked those who helped her search for her son.

Antoni, adolescente desaparecido © Facebook / María Karla
Antoni, missing teenagerPhoto © Facebook / María Karla

A 16-year-old Cuban teenager who was missing in Havana is now safe at home with his family, confirmed a relative.

Antoni's mother, named Yudith, announced the good news and thanked those who helped her search for her son, without providing details of where he was or how he reappeared.

To all my Facebook friends, to each person who without knowing me shared the post, I give you the great news that my son has been found. Endless thanks, blessings to all," said Judith on her Facebook wall, where she identifies herself as The Preferred One of Yansa.

Facebook screenshot / Yansa's Favorite

On Monday, family and friends of the boy requested urgent help to find him.

According to details from the original post, which has already been removed from social media, at the time of his disappearance he was wearing red shorts and a gray sweater with "Puma" written on the front. The young man lives near the corner of Tejas, in the Cerro municipality, has several tattoos on his body, and has curly hair.

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