The Cuban government extends tariff exemption for food, hygiene, and medicine.

The country remains in crisis, and a sign of this is this measure, which has been extended since it was approved after the protests on July 11, 2021.

Vuelos a Cuba desde Madrid © CiberCuba
Flights to Cuba from MadridPhoto © CiberCuba

The Cuban government extended this Thursday the tariff exemption on food, hygiene products, and medicines for travelers arriving in the country from abroad.

The announcement of the extension of the tariff exemption was made in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Cuba No. 57, in its Ordinary edition.

The document contains several resolutions that focus on price and rate regulation for state entities, the extension of benefits and exemptions in the importation of essential products, and the temporary modification of customs regulations to facilitate the entry of goods necessary for the Cuban population.

Official Gazette of the Republic of Cuba

Resolution 211/2024 "authorizes, exceptionally and temporarily until September 30, 2024, the importation for non-commercial purposes, without limits in value, and exempt from the payment of customs duties on food, hygiene products, medications, and medical supplies, by passengers as accompanied luggage."

The non-commercial importation of these products is also authorized up to five hundred dollars (500 USD) or fifty kilograms (50 kg) as unaccompanied baggage.

The government also decided to increase the customs value limit for non-commercial imports made by individuals through shipments.

This measure is for shipments valued from 200 dollars up to 500 dollars. The exemption from paying the customs tax for the first 30 dollars of the value or its weight equivalent of three kilograms of the shipment is maintained, as well as the application of a 30% tariff rate on the excess of this amount.

It is important to bear in mind that in order to take advantage of these "benefits" when importing goods into the country, the packages must be presented to Customs separately from the rest of the luggage. They must be properly identified as food, hygiene products, or medicines and medical supplies.

Facebook Lázaro Manuel Alonso

The government insists that this measure is "exceptional" and acknowledges that it is due to the persistence of scarcity and limitations in the supply of food and other essential products in the country.

The regime has been extending this measure since it was approved after the protests on July 11, 2021. Three years have passed and the situation in the country remains critical.

The Gazette also includes Resolution 212/2024, which aims to extend the benefit for the importation of power plants in Cuba.

The norm extends until September 30, 2024, the authorization to import electric plants without commercial purposes above the established values. Initially authorized in 2022 due to contingencies in the national energy system, the measure is being maintained until the end of the summer.

The imports that Cubans make from abroad are essential for many families to have access to basic medications such as painkillers because they are not available on the island.

Despite the shortage of medicines, food, and hygiene products, the Cuban Customs maintains strict control over the luggage of travelers arriving in the country.

A few days ago, the authorities seized a shipment of medicines because they considered that those who were bringing them into the island intended to commercialize them at some point.

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