The U.S. points out violations of religious freedom in Cuba in its annual report.

He comments that during the period, cases of arbitrary detentions, threats, and violence against people who openly practice their faith are documented.

Centro religioso en Cuba © CiberCuba
Religious center in CubaPhoto © CiberCuba

The United States Department of State highlighted serious violations of religious freedom in Cuba in its report on the corresponding topic for 2023.

The International Religious Freedom Report 2023 details that the Cuban regime continues to impose severe restrictions and retaliations against religious practice, affecting various faith communities on the island.

It emphasizes that the Cuban government continues to exercise strict control over religious activities, including surveillance and harassment of religious leaders, denial of permits for the construction of places of worship, and the disruption of religious services.

He comments that during the period, there are documented cases of arbitrary detentions, threats, and violence against people who openly practice their faith.

Among the most affected groups are evangelical Christians, Catholics, and members of other Christian denominations, as well as practitioners of Afro-Cuban religions such as Santería.

The report also mentions restrictions on Jehovah's Witnesses and Muslims, who face difficulties in practicing their rituals and obtaining legal recognition for their organizations.

One of the most criticized practices in the report is the government's intervention in the internal affairs of religious communities, including the infiltration of security agents in religious events and the coercion of religious leaders to collaborate with the authorities. This interference has created an atmosphere of fear and distrust among the faithful, hindering the free expression of faith.

The State Department emphasizes the lack of transparency and arbitrariness in the application of laws regulating religious activities, which allows the government to repress religious communities with impunity. The report urges the Cuban government to respect the fundamental rights of religious freedom, in accordance with the international commitments made by Cuba.

In addition, it highlights the role of civil society and international organizations in denouncing these violations and in defending religious freedom on the island. A call is made to the international community to continue putting pressure on the Cuban regime in order to ensure respect for the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all its citizens.

The United States strongly believes that in Cuba, everyone should be able to live with dignity, with their labor and religious rights fully respected. The protection of these rights is an ongoing commitment and should always have the input of civil society," stated the United States Embassy in Cuba on social media X when publishing the document.

The United States embassies in other countries also published the chapters of each nation based on information from government officials, religious groups, non-governmental organizations, journalists, human rights monitors, academics, media, and others.

The Office of International Religious Freedom, based in Washington, collaborates in the collection and analysis of additional information, based on consultations with foreign government officials, religious groups, national and foreign non-governmental organizations, multilateral and international and regional organizations, journalists, academic experts, community leaders, and other relevant government institutions in the United States for the preparation of reports.

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