Blackouts due to a deficit of over 1000 MW this Friday in Cuba.

On Thursday, the service was affected due to a deficit in generation capacity throughout the day.

Cocina de una casa cubana en apagón (Imagen de referencia) © Captura de video de YouTube
Kitchen of a Cuban home during a blackout (Reference image)Photo © YouTube video screenshot

As was predictable following the shutdown of the Antonio Guiteras thermoelectric plant, large power outages are announced in Cuba this Friday, reaching around 1000 MW in deficit.

On Thursday, power outages lasted 24 hours and continued through the early hours of today. The peak impact occurred at 8:40 pm, reaching 1085 MW, which exceeded the planned level by 196 MW.

According to the report from the Electric Union (UNE), this Friday at 7:00 am, the availability of the national electrical system (SEN) was 1980 MW and the demand was 2350 MW, with an impact of 444 MW. By noon, the maximum predicted impact was almost double, at 850 MW.

For peak hours, UNE estimates an availability of 2160 MW and a maximum demand of 3150 MW, resulting in a deficit of 990 MW, leading to a predicted impact of 1060 MW.

The figure is lower than the 1085 MW recorded on Thursday. But as it usually happens, that day UNE's forecast fell short of reality, so it is very likely that the 1060 MW announced for Monday will also fall below.

Facebook screenshot / UNE Electrical Union

At this time, they are out of service due to breakdowns, in addition to Guiteras, three units from the Santa Cruz, Mariel, and Felton thermoelectric power plants. A block of the Santa Cruz CTE is currently undergoing maintenance.

On the other hand, the lack of fuel keeps 52 distributed generation plants, the Regla barge, and the Santiago de Cuba barge out of the system, representing 435 MW affected, and there are also limitations in the thermal generation of 416 MW.

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