Divan captivates his fans with his interpretation of "¿Y cómo es él?" by José Luis Perales.

Shower of compliments for the Cuban singer.

Divan has surprised his followers on Instagram with an emotional acapella rendition of the classic "¿Y cómo es él?" by José Luis Perales.

The video, which has already surpassed 11 thousand likes on the network, has generated a wave of reactions and positive comments from his fans, delighted with the vocal display of the young Cuban singer.

"That's mine, damn," Jacob Forever commented among the over 500 comments that have followed his video.

"My God, this is singing"; "How great you are"; "The golden voice"; "Beautiful voice, always"; "Tremendous Cuban talent, blessings my brother"; "This is going viral, this interpretation is more than spectacular"; "Beautiful voice Divan. You are a brilliant artist, I wish you many blessings"; "Simply beautiful"; "You are one of the best artists in our country, blessings and many good things to you, I love you so much"; "You are the best, I love how you sing, many successes to you"; "Your voice"; "The best undoubtedly"; "Beautiful interpretation"; "Tremendous voice, for me you are among the best, a thousand blessings to you and your beautiful family"; "How beautiful that is, so much delicacy and perfection in your voice," read among the hundreds of compliments left for him.

In the reactions, there were also emotional anecdotes and beautiful testimonies: "I have always been your fan since I was just 13 years old, I remember when you performed at noon, I loved watching you and I love your songs. When are you releasing another one? We need them"; "I remember that for my 15th birthday, I asked my parents to talk to you so that you could sing a song for me because it was my dream, and now I'm turning 18 and still saying that you are my singer. Many blessings to you and your family," others told.

The publication has not only delighted its fans with the display of the artist's vocal talent but has also allowed them to express the affection and admiration they feel for him.

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