The Iron Man delivers a house to an elderly woman who lost everything in a collapse in Havana.

In just four days, Iron Man gathered the necessary money to buy the house from the lady, to whom he also gave 30,000 pesos and 300 dollars.

The former boxer Lino Tomasen, known as "The Cuban Iron Man," gave a house to an elderly woman who lost everything in a collapse in Havana.

In just four days, Lino managed to gather the necessary money to buy the house from the lady, to whom he also gave 30,000 pesos and 300 dollars.

Look at the trust all those people had in me who deposited their money for me to help that lady; that faith and trust are earned with many years of demonstrating love for others through what I do and dedicate myself to, which is helping people," he expressed on his Facebook wall.

In a video, Iron Man thanked his followers because thanks to their donations he was able to buy the furniture and household appliances, and especially Milena Góngora, who upon learning the sad story of the grandmother decided to contribute the money needed to acquire the property all at once.

This is the second house that the Iron Man delivers with his project to help people in need.

The first one was given last June 20 to a mother with her three children who also had nowhere to live.

The comedian Limay Blanco, who carries out a similar humanitarian work, recognized this on his Facebook account.

Capture from Facebook / Limayblanco Comedian

"My Lino is delivering his second house, how beautiful, how great, brother. Don't stop even if the world attacks you, don't stop, one day that world that attacks you today, one day will thank you, because the creator of the world has not stopped thanking you for it. God bless you. You can always count on my support," he emphasized.

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