Indignation in Sancti Spiritus due to newly born puppies abandoned in the rain.

The rescuers are urgently looking for a nursing female dog for the five abandoned puppies.

The abandonment of five newly born puppies in the rain this Sunday has sparked great outrage among animal rights activists in Sancti Spíritus, who have mobilized through social media to save the lives of the little dogs.

The ARCA foundation described the incident on Facebook as "a tragedy" while reporting that the puppies had been rescued: "They have already been taken in, but an urgent foster mother is needed."

Facebook screenshot / ARCA Sancti Spíritus Foundation

Animal protectors explained that, in case a nursing mother dog is not found, as a temporary option, they seek a volunteer who can feed the puppies every three hours by giving them milk with a syringe.

"The ARCA foundation is going to help," they pointed out on social media, alerting that the animals require constant care to survive, and animal advocates hope that someone with experience can offer them the help they urgently need.

Also on Facebook, they posted a video of the rescue of the animals, where it can be seen that the puppies are only a few days old and are hungry.

In the short video clip, a woman can be heard lamenting that there are people capable of abandoning such small puppies without trying to find them a home first.

However, the scene is repeated in a country where the animal welfare law is barely enforced and the rights of pets, among other living beings, are frequently violated.

A netizen reported this Monday that a dog was abandoned at a bus stop in Havana, where they left him tied to a fence with a collar and his name written on a piece of cardboard; the animal was rescued and they are now looking for someone to adopt him.

Facebook screenshot / Raisa Pérez Villaverde

"This little dog was abandoned on Saturday morning with its collar, name, and all. They tied him up at the spot indicated in green," explained Raisa Pérez Villaverde in the Facebook group "SOS Street Dogs Cuba."

Recently, animal protector Yenney Caballero alerted about a dog found at the José Martí International Airport in Havana who was apparently waiting for the return of his family, who had left the country.

Facebook screenshot / Yenney Caballero

The activist asked for help on Facebook to transport the dog from terminal three to the house of a shelter, offering to pay for the cost of the trip.

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