They are looking for relatives of an elderly man alone in a hospital in Santiago de Cuba.

The old man said he has not eaten for several days.

Anciano cubano en hospital de Santiago de Cuba © Facebook/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada
Cuban elderly man in a hospital in Santiago de Cuba.Photo © Facebook/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

Workers at the provincial hospital Saturnino Lora in Santiago de Cuba requested help to locate the relatives of an elderly man who is alone in the Emergency Department, as they reported that he has been without food for several days.

The journalist Yosmany Mayeta Labrada reported on his Facebook channels that a woman contacted him to locate a family member or someone close to the patient identified as Pedro Molina Mustelier.

"This elderly man is alone at the Provincial Hospital, in the Emergency Room, and does not have a companion, he says he has no family," the complainant explained.

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The man claimed to live in René Ramos, a neighborhood very close to the hospital where he is located.

Upon arriving at the Emergency Room, he was very weak and said, "I haven't eaten for days."

He was immediately admitted and given an IV, said the woman.

The journalist urges his neighbors to contact someone close who can go to the medical center.

The crisis in Cuba is affecting the elderly population, many of whom have been left without relatives on the island in the context of the migratory exodus.

Many elderly people have fainted on the streets of the island due to hunger and malnutrition. Many go days without eating.

Last year, an elderly man with hunger fainted in the middle of Aguilera street, in the city of Holguin, and later died due to a blow to the head from the fall.

Also, a famished Cuban elderly man fainted in the middle of the street in Old Havana, where he had to be assisted by passersby who provided him with some food and drink.

Last April, another elderly person fainted from hunger on a street in the municipality of Cruces, in Cienfuegos. "Hunger, what I have is hunger," the man was heard saying as he was being helped.

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