Hurricane Beryl causes waves up to two meters high in Cabo Cruz.

The surveillance over the entire southern area of Granma province is being maintained.

Olas en Cabo Cruz, Granma © Tv Portada Visión Niquero
Waves at Cabo Cruz, GranmaPhoto © Tv Portada Visión Niquero

Despite being still far from Cuba, the effects of Hurricane Beryl are already being felt on the southern coasts of the island.

Local press reports the deterioration of weather conditions in Cabo Cruz, located in the municipality of Niquero, Granma.

Waves in Niquero, Granma. Photo: Tv Portada Visión Niquero

In Cabo Cruz, waves 1.5 to 2 meters high. No rain. Winds sustained at 40 km/h and gusts of up to 80 according to observers from the meteorological station in this coastal territory," CNC TV Granma channel reported on Facebook.

Facebook screenshot / CNC TV Granma

The Visión Niquero channel reported that surveillance continues over the entire southern area of the province.

Waves in Niquero, Granma. Photo: Tv Portada Visión Niquero

Political government authorities visit the town to emphasize some measures and alert the population about the phenomenon that will move across the seas south of Cuba," the publication on Facebook said.

Screenshot from Facebook / Tv Portada Visión Niquero

On its part, CMKX Radio Bayamo shared several photos showing the worsening of the weather conditions on the coast of Hotel Marea del Portillo.

Screenshot from Facebook / CMKX Radio Bayamo

"All tourists, workers, and resources are protected from the impact of Hurricane Beryl passing through our coast," the post details.

Photo: Facebook / CMKX Radio Bayamo

The Meteorology Institute (INSMET) warned about the imminent deterioration of meteorological conditions in eastern Cuba due to the proximity of Beryl, with winds, rain, and strong surges that will cause coastal flooding from light to moderate.

Photo: Facebook / CMKX Radio Bayamo

During its journey through the seas south of eastern Cuba, an increase in winds is expected in the eastern region, which this afternoon could reach sustained speeds between 40 and 55 km/h with higher gusts in the south of Granma, explained INSMET.

Photo: Facebook / CMKX Radio Bayamo

By the end of Wednesday afternoon and night, some rainfall may also occur in the south of the central region "due to the circulation of the outer bands associated with this cyclonic system, in which heavy rains could occur," the information warns.

Photo: Facebook / CMKX Radio Bayamo

From early Thursday morning and the first hours of the morning of July 4, there may be wind on the Isle of Youth and in the westernmost part of the country, with winds reaching speeds between 30 and 45 km/h, with higher gusts.

The Cuban meteorologist Jose Rubiera warned that in the next few hours, Hurricane Beryl will bring rains mainly to the eastern part of Cuba and urged people to be alert.

Rubiera defined the precipitation as "not so strong but not weak either," and clarified that the weak ones would be in almost the rest of the country.

The expert stressed that even though Beryl is not heading towards Cuba and is weakening, the hurricane must continue to be evaluated as "a threat," and listed the various "surprises" that the meteorological phenomenon has presented since it debuted as a tropical depression on June 28th.

Regarding rainfall, cloudy skies with showers, rain, and some thunderstorms will prevail in the eastern region, which could be strong in some areas, mainly in mountainous regions.

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