"To laugh! Cuban from Miami explains the "true story" of Greece: "All of this went downhill the day Fidel Castro arrived""

Humor: Cuban explains the history of Greece "the Cuban way" and becomes a hit on TikTok.

The European vacation of a Cuban from Miami is causing a stir on TikTok, where his videos with his "Cuban-style" explanations are gaining popularity among the Cuban community on the social network.

First was his visit to Santorini, a stop on his cruise that was missing "glamour and sparkle" and also better footwear... And now, in Athens, this man explained "the real story" of the Acropolis with a dose of fantasy, imagination, a touch of humor, and many Cuban references... Hilarious!

Walking among the ruins of the Acropolis of Athens, user @mcoomarito was narrating: "The real story behind this. This is where all the parties used to come, with El Divo, Lenier... Benny was always here partying. The gogo part was over there. Everything turned bad here the day Fidel Castro gave a speech down below. People started throwing stones. This all got messed up, look how they left it in ruins, with the great time one used to have here. What a story. I already showed them the amphitheater where Van Van and Charanga Habanera used to perform. Look how they left it because Fidel arrived, wanting to do the same as in Cuba. That's the true story of Athens."

The reactions have not been delayed, and many are already looking forward to the next chapter of their vacation. "The best guide and historian. The best", "Kid, where do you get such a repertoire?", "I'm dying of laughter, this guide is on another level", "This guy is on another level... I love it", "Only those who are Cuban understood... excellent narrator."

What do you think?


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the University Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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