The Cuban Filmmakers Assembly bids farewell to Carlos Massola.

The Filmmakers' Assembly of Cuba, an independent entity from ICAIC, resorted to euphemisms on a couple of occasions to characterize the actor's political rebellion.

Carlos Massola © YouTube/screenshot/CubaNet
Carlos MassolaPhoto © YouTube/screenshot/CubaNet

In the midst of the prevailing official silence following the death of Carlos Massola, the Assembly of Cuban Filmmakers published on Thursday, more than 24 hours after his passing, a timid text in which they lamented the death of the artist, while also resorting to euphemisms on a couple of occasions to refer to the actor's political rebelliousness.

Yesterday, our beloved Carlos Massola passed away at the age of 62. He was an excellent actor in theater, film, and television, often excluded due to his civic stance," the organization stated in a euphemistic reference to the artist's political position and the censorship that such an attitude brought upon him.

The Filmmakers' Assembly, created in 2022 and independent of the ICAIC -although it is known that there are limits for the "independents" in Cuba- listed Massola's participation in films such as Juan de los muertos, Pata Negra, Omega 3, Corazón azul, Agosto, and Una rosa de Francia, as well as in soap operas and other dramas of Cuban television.

Many characters bore the imprint of his talent, charisma, and authenticity. He stood out for his ability to portray villains, in contrast to his personal life, which was always committed to causes he deemed just," the publication added in a second nod to the political stance of the deceased, although always speaking in code.

Close to many filmmakers and artists who are part of this Assembly, we feel their loss. His appearances on screen will be there for a long time to remind us of him. Please extend our deepest condolences to his family and friends," the text concludes.

Facebook Capture / Cuban Filmmakers Assembly

"A great actor discriminated against for his political, not civic stance"; "I think they took too long to make this publication. Thank God the support on social media has been impressive," responded two commentators who were not satisfied with the Assembly's text, neither the tone nor the lateness of the reaction.

The Cuban Filmmakers Assembly is an organization integrated by professionals in the audiovisual sector in Cuba, emerged in response to the need to have a space where they could meet and discuss the situation of cinema on the island, especially in the face of the restrictions and challenges they face in their work.

Its objectives include precisely defending the labor and creative rights of Cuban filmmakers, ensuring conditions to develop their work freely and without censorship. Additionally, it aims to promote independent film production, providing a space for the development of projects that reflect the diversity and cultural richness of the country.

The death of actor Carlos Massola, who in recent years raised his voice numerous times against the Cuban government, has been completely ignored by the authorities of Culture in the last few hours.

So far, no Cuban official cultural institution has echoed the actor's death on their social media profiles.

Neither the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC), nor the Ministry of Culture (MINCULT), nor the Cuban Institute of Radio and Television (ICRT), nor the Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Art and Industry (ICAIC) have spoken out about the artist's death.

The cultural news programs on television and the print media have also made no reference to the regrettable event.

Despite this, Massola has not lacked recognition and spontaneous tribute from many of his colleagues in the last hours, nor the affection of the people, who have appreciated the actor's courage to express his political ideas without censorship or euphemisms.

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