The Cuban shares the things she used to do on the island that are "impossible" in Spain.

In the comments, many people 'explained' to him the reasons why it is done differently.

A young Cuban woman living in Madrid has sparked an interesting debate on her TikTok account (@una_day) by sharing a video entitled "Things to do in Cuba and Spain", where she discussed some differences between both countries, particularly in terms of home customs and traditions.

Cleaning the house, gossiping with the neighbor, or freezing water bottles in Spain are some of the usual things on the island that this young woman, known as Day C according to what is read online, has found she cannot do in her new home.

"It's very typical for Cuban women to throw water to scrub the house; for cleaning, we use buckets and buckets of water and we love to sweep the broom through every corner of the house. Here in Spain it's impossible because most furniture can be damaged by continuous contact with water," the girl began her particular list of 'unthinkable things'.

In the video, he also mentioned the little relationship with the neighbors: "Each person lives in their own house, each person lives in their own bubble involved in their own things," he said about his current environment.

In Cuba, on the contrary, it is very common to find neighbors at each other's houses, they help each other, have their coffee in the afternoons, sit outside, on the porch, to chat; she talked about life on the island.

Day C also talked about the practice of hitchhiking in Cuba due to the precariousness of public transportation: "Fortunately, there is no need for that here because public transportation works perfectly in Madrid."

The users' comments were not long in coming, and while some agreed with her, others offered different perspectives and opinions.

"It's because there are no mops"; "The question is... Is it worth it to live in Spain? because if you won't be happy over trivial things, consider other options"; "And what are the furniture like in Cuba that they don't rot with water?"; "I had two cleaning ladies who had the idea to throw buckets of water on a parquet floor... it seems they didn't think things through"; "Hitchhiking is completely forbidden in Spain"; "Neighbors depend on where you live, I have neighbors who are like family"; "Water is very precious in Spain and shouldn't be wasted, if you cause leaks to the neighbor downstairs, you have to pay for the repair and the painters"; "Not only the furniture, if you live in a multi-story building and throw buckets of water, you can damage the neighbor's house below with consequences," reads among the reactions to your video, which adds to a long list of publications on social media from people who share their perceptions, changes, celebrations, and yearnings after emigrating to another country.

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