Cuban shocked to see videos of conflicts among Cubans in Miami: "I'm staying here in Texas."

A Cuban in Texas criticizes the attitude and behavior of Cubans in Miami after watching viral videos of conflicts in the city.

Elieser Estrada Rodriguez, a Cuban residing in Texas, responded to some comments left on his TikTok that said "Texas is Cuba" and "Miami is Miami." Two messages that have led him to compare the differences between living in the two places.

@eliesersagitar begins the video on his TikTok profile by saying: "I don't know what's going on in the heads of the people who comment. I'm not going to promote the state of Texas, but I'm going to show you in two videos the difference between Texas and Miami and whether Texas really resembles Cuba". He then proceeds to show two videos that went viral. The first one was filmed in a driver's license office in Miami where there was a conflict with one of the people waiting in line.

"I have been to the driver's license office several times and I have never seen anything like that. Maybe they don't speak to you in Spanish and they speak seriously, but I have never seen such treatment. That rudeness, to my eyes, that is shocking," said the Cuban, who later commented on another video of a confrontation in a supermarket.

"In all the stores, I have never seen that kind of exchange. That bad attitude, that gossip. Is that why I want Miami? And that is constantly seen in Miami. Being in Miami is being in Cuba," she stated.

"I know Miami is not Florida, but I'm staying here in Texas," he concludes.

In light of these statements, many Cubans have shared their experiences in the comments.

"Until they leave Miami, they won't understand anything you say," "I have been living in Texas for years and wouldn't change it for any other state. Miami is only good for visiting," "I lived in Miami for 11 years, completed 10 now in Texas, and regret not coming earlier," "Likewise, I have never seen that kind of gossip here in Texas and I fear it will become like that due to the number of Cubans arriving," or "You are absolutely right, I love Texas."

What do you think?


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor for CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from King Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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