Cuban in Florida, to newcomers in the United States: "Be grateful to anyone who helps you, even if it's little, not everyone here helps."

Cuban in Florida gives advice to newcomers in the United States.

Arriving in a country to seek a new life is not easy, and people who do so encounter many obstacles along the way. That's why a Cuban from Florida wanted to give some advice to all those people from the island who have recently arrived in the United States or are on their way.

Through a TikTok video, Cuban Dianela (@dianelarodrgz) listed seven things that newcomers must know.

"At the beginning it's going to be difficult, even more so if you don't have anyone to guide you," this Cuban woman began saying.

Prioritize your migratory status above all else. Don't get into trouble, don't do illegal things, be responsible. If you want to progress quickly, don't stay at home waiting for everything to fall into your lap and choosing a job. Remember why you came to this country: You came to fight. Never spend more than you earn, or else you will be tight on money the entire month. Get used to being judged by families, friends when you don't call or text when you don't have time. Be thankful to everyone who helped you, even if it was little, not everyone helps in this country.

In the face of these recommendations, many Cubans agreed with her and echoed her words.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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