Police threaten a Cuban activist in Cienfuegos: "I am going to break down the door and enter"

The activist claims he has been repressed for denouncing the health crisis in his neighborhood.

The Cuban police threatened the activist from Cienfuegos, Raúl González, this Saturday after he published a video denouncing the health crisis in his neighborhood.

The man recorded live the threats of a police officer who arrived at his house to ask him to accompany her to the police station, but without a court order.

"They come because I made a video about the rot in my neighborhood, full of sewage waters and our houses full of mosquitoes," the activist denounced.

He says that he himself has been running a fever for several days and must take the medication to the polyclinic because there are no medical supplies in the healthcare centers.

In the midst of her complaint, the repressor called a superior and told them that González was recording her, and that she would call "rescue and salvage to break the door and enter."

González stood firm and demanded an official summons to let them enter his home, while reiterating that the reason for such repression was his report on the neighborhood's health situation.

On July 4th, the activist showed the collapsed drains in his neighborhood, the streets filled with sewage water, amidst increasing cases of dengue and Oropouche fever.

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