The fifth fatality identified in tragic traffic accident in Camagüey

The victim was one of the people who had been seriously injured in the accident.

Maykel Tope © Facebook/Maykel Tope
Maykel TopePhoto © Facebook/Maykel Tope

A fifth person has been identified among the deceased in a traffic accident that occurred in the early hours of last Thursday on the road leading to Santa Lucía Beach in Nuevitas, Camagüey province.

The victim identified himself on Facebook as Maykel Tope, although his real name, apparently, was Rafael Rodríguez, and he was mourned by family and friends on social media.

How much I'm going to miss you in my life, I will always love you, you were my reason to live, but you left me the most valuable thing we have, our princesses who love you so much and I know that you will protect us from heaven. I love you very much, my love," wrote the deceased's wife, Linda Bonet, on the social media Facebook.

Facebook screenshot/Linda Bonet

Your post has been commented on by several people who lamented the death of this Cuban father.

Another user, Sandor Pichardo, also left heartfelt words about this unfortunate event, in which four deceased persons were previously identified.

My big brother, I still can't believe the news, I only ask God to welcome you into His holy kingdom. Everyone who knew you in life knows that you were a great man, father, and friend. I cherish those memories of when we learned how to drive, of all the lies we told each other in the park when the night was quiet of races. This is not a goodbye, bro, but a see you soon, brother," he wrote.

Facebook screenshot/Sandor Pichardo

The incident in which Maykel died occurred in the Las 80 community. The car that hit the young people overturned after the crash, fell into a ditch, and caught fire, causing two of its occupants to die "burned by the explosion," as reported by CubaNet. Two other people who were traveling in the front seats of this vehicle managed to escape alive.

Immediately, two of the deceased were identified: the young Cliver Álvarez Mayo, 17 years old, who died instantly; and Dailenis Silva, 19 years old, who died at the Nuevitas hospital. Both resided in the municipality of Manatí, in the province of Las Tunas.

This Friday, the other two victims joined the initial identification: Milagros Hernández, obtained by Cubans around the World, and CiberCuba was able to confirm that the fourth victim is Yamila Marín, known by her acquaintances as "Yami," a resident of Camagüey and a friend of Milagros.

Rafael, apparently, was one of the two seriously injured reported in the serious accident.

It was a crash between two cars. One was coming out of the beach and collided with another one that was parked on the opposite lane. According to what I was told, the driver had gone to pee," a source told Cubans around the World.

The car that was leaving the beach - which was the one that crashed into the parked car - caught fire after the accident.

Despite the magnitude of the event, neither local authorities nor media outlets have provided information about the fateful accident, which has shocked residents of both Camagüey and Las Tunas.

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