Satire of what a McDonald's in Cuba would be like: "Do you have bread with oil?"

Cuban triumphs on TikTok with parody of a McDonald's in Cuba: "You guys have nothing"

A TikTok video starring Cuban Yoridan Martínez, champion of Exatlón EE.UU., has captured attention by humorously imagining what the experience would be like to have a McDonald's in Cuba. In the video, the young man parodies the situation with a mix of humor and criticism of the Cuban reality.

In the parody, the protagonist (@yoridood) orders an iced coffee and is surprised to find out that there is no ice available. He then decides to order a dark soda, cheekily commenting that he likes it that way. Later, in a playful tone, he asks the cashier's name, which is Yumisisleidis, and makes a romantic reference by saying: "You know, the other day I dreamt that Cupid told me my wife's name is like yours."

The parody continues with Yoridan asking if there is bread with oil, only to receive a negative response. "No, you guys have nothing," he comments. Then, he asks for a chicken croquette and admits to being in a bad financial situation, requesting a glass of water and ending with flirting: "You're ready for me."

"You don't have to go to Cuba for that experience, just come to Miami, daddy", "Go to any McDonald's in Hialeah", "Oh, how I miss that in Cuba, don't get too excited because you're mine. I'm dying hahaha" or "What a way to make me laugh hahaha", are some of the comments that are read in the comments.

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Izabela Pecherska

Writer at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Writer at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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