A Cuban man kills his former father-in-law and seriously injures his ex-partner and a neighbor of the family in Ciego de Ávila.

The brutal assault took place in the rural village of Suferry.

De izquierda a derecha las tres víctimas: Vecina, el anciano asesinado y la expareja del agresor © Collage Redes sociales
From left to right, the three victims: Neighbor, the elderly man who was murdered, and the attacker's ex-partner.Photo © Social Media Collage

A man killed his ex-father-in-law and seriously injured his ex-partner and a young neighbor of just 21 years old in Suferry, a rural town in Ciego de Ávila, according to reports on social media.

The alleged aggressor has been identified as Richard Sánchez Ferrales, a man who was enjoying a pass from the prison where he is an inmate when on the night of July 8th, he entered the home of his ex-partner and first murdered his former father-in-law, Félix Morales, a 70-year-old elder who was fatally attacked with an axe from behind.

Right after that, Sánchez Ferrales reportedly attacked Yumary Morales Guerra, his former partner, with the same sharp weapon, leaving her seriously injured. However, the woman is still fighting for her life, as reported by crime reporter Niover Licea based on the testimony of sources familiar with the case.

The alleged aggressor, Richard Sánchez Ferrales, along with Yumary Morales, who is now fighting for her life after the attack.

Yoledys Díaz Batista, a young neighbor and friend of Yumary who went to support the family, ended up also receiving a violent wound in an arm, which has raised fears that she may lose the limb.

Yoledys Díaz Batista and Yumary Morales, neighbors and friends who are now injured (Facebook/Yumary Morales)

An initial version of the violent incident mentioned the presence of a third victim, a minor, something that has fortunately been denied by both Licea and the Facebook group Reporting Crimes in Cuba, which also echoed the tragic event.

The two injured women would be hospitalized at the Morón municipality hospital.

Dozens of internet users have been saddened by the event that once again demonstrates the increasing violence that looms over Cuban society in all its areas and forms.

As is usual in these types of incidents, there is no confirmation at the moment from official sources about the tragedy which, if verified by feminist platforms, would add to the list of victims of gender-based violence in Cuba so far this year.

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