After 3 years in the USA, a Cuban mother of 3 children enrolls at the University of Miami to pursue her dream of learning English.

A Cuban mother is inspired to pursue her dream of learning English and studying a career in Miami.

A Cuban residing in Miami has touched many with a video posted on TikTok, where she shares her experience and motivation to overcome herself. The woman, a mother of three, narrates her struggle to learn English and fulfill her dream of studying a degree in the United States.

In the video, the Cuban Anaidys Ramírez (@anaidysramirez) mentions that she enrolled at Miami-Dade College to study English for credit, which will allow her to pursue a degree after completing the English levels.

"I have been in this country for three years and I have always wanted to study English, but I have three children and I don't have much help. My mom is not here, I've always been waiting for my mom. And the reality is that three years have passed and my mom hasn't come because I have no control over that and I haven't learned English," comments this Cuban mother.

The woman emphasizes the importance of taking action despite the circumstances: "What I want to say is that time will pass anyway, and if you do nothing, you will not achieve anything. You can always do it. I recently heard the phrase 'Everything is far away when you don't want to go there.' We always want to carry out our plans; the important thing is to visualize our goals. When there is a will, there is a way. We waste time on things that will not bring us any benefit."

Your message has resonated with many Cubans on TikTok, who have congratulated you for your determination and courage.

What is your opinion?


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Previously worked as an editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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