Viral: Newly arrived Cubans try American food for the first time

They arrived recently with humanitarian parole.

The Cuban Daniela (@siempre.ellaxo on TikTok) shared a video on the network of her newly arrived family's experience trying food in the USA for the first time.

After uploading the video of the emotional reception at the airport and others of her first time in a store or a casino, she showed her family's reaction to trying the food in the country, from the usual fast food dishes to fruits or other foods that either do not exist on the island or are prohibitively expensive.

The expressions on their faces when tasting the dishes could not be more eloquent in how they celebrate each flavor.

In just two days, the post has accumulated over 32 thousand likes and has surpassed 1000 comments. The reactions have been varied, ranging from surprise and curiosity to empathy and solidarity.

Several users expressed their astonishment at the lack of access to certain foods in Cuba: "Sorry for my ignorance, but is there no McDonald's or Burger King or fast food in Cuba?" ; "Sorry, I didn't know about this. Can someone explain more to me about this in Cuba, are certain foods not sold, prohibited, or what?" some said.

Also accumulating are the displays of empathy, understanding, and happiness for the family: "I am surprised by the amount of negative comments from people. In Cuba, many people dream of tasting that food because it is what they always see in commercials, whether it's good or not. They are fulfilling that dream"; "Nice and sad at the same time, sometimes one wastes so much here, and in other places they would like to have at least a little"; "How sad for our people, hopefully one day children can taste all the delicious things we have here"; "How nice to see how something as simple as a burger can make someone so happy. I love the reaction"; "It feels nice to see their reactions. The same thing happened with my husband when he came to my country and tried everything for the first time," others added.

Many, on the other hand, highlighted the contrast between the realities experienced in Cuba and in other countries and lamented what many on the island suffer: "I just ask God that every Cuban can live with dignity as a human being"; "I am Cuban and I arrived at 11, I am 33 and I will always understand this. You don't know the amount of people who have everything and don't appreciate anything. Blessings, family"; "The sad reality that is lived in Cuba", "It makes me sad and happy at the same time. How lovely to see them enjoy"; "What joy that they can enjoy all the things that they don't have in Cuba. One day they will be free in the name of God," they commented.

What do you think?


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