Whatever you decide, you always have my blessing: Oniel Bebeshito's mom sends him emotional words of support

At one point I told you that I would always be there for you in difficult times; here I am because you are a wonderful son and an excellent human being.

Oniel Bebeshito con su mamá © Instagram / Chavela Campos
Oniel Bebeshito with his momPhoto © Instagram / Chavela Campos

In a thoughtful post on social media, Oniel Bebeshito's mother, Chavela Campo, expressed her unconditional support for her son after he announced the cancellation of all his concerts in Cuba starting from July 15, shortly after the incident with a fan who unexpectedly climbed onto the stage during the reggaeton artist's show in Camagüey.

"At one point, I told you that I would always be there for you in difficult times; here I am because you are a wonderful son and an excellent human being. Today, due to a negative attitude from security who is not part of your team, remember that everything has been achieved through sacrifice, pain, and dedication. Whatever you decide, you have my blessing always. I love you very much," said his mother among the hundreds of messages showing support for the young artist.

Comment on a post on Oniel Bebeshito's Instagram.

"My people, you have nothing to do with this. The fact that I can't perform concerts doesn't mean I'm giving up, now I have 10 times more strength than before, I love you," said the reggaeton artist on social media when announcing that from now on all his shows on the island were suspended.

"You are already the best in the world. You will prove it," his partner, Rachel Arderi, who is currently in Miami eagerly awaiting their first daughter with the artist, named Mia, didn't take long to comment.

The public show of support from his mother and partner adds to those of many other followers and some colleagues who have sent him messages through the network.

But the chapters of this incident involving Oniel Bebeshito have not stopped, as a few hours ago, the young fan who was involved in the incident made public the exchange of messages she had with the artist.

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