A Cuban citizen loses her passport and offers a reward to whoever returns it.

The lost passport contains a visa, and the person affected is asking for help on social media for its recovery.

Aeropuerto José Martí de La Habana © Facebook/Eduardo Rodríguez Dávila
José Martí Airport in HavanaPhoto © Facebook/Eduardo Rodríguez Dávila

A Cuban woman from the province of Mayabeque requested help through social media to recover her passport, which contains a visa, and she lost it in Havana.

"Please, my cousin lost her Cuban passport in Havana. Her name is Maipú De Armas Trujillo, it has a visa," wrote the user Solanch Alfonso Ortega in the Facebook group "CUBAN MOTHERS FOR A BETTER WORLD (Official Group)."

Facebook screenshot/Solanch Alfonso Ortega

They explained that they also offer a reward "in dollars" to whoever returns it. To get in touch with the affected person, they shared the number (+53) 590 49 357.

No further details were provided about the loss of the important document.

Other Cubans have found themselves in a similar situation after losing their passports or identity documents from other countries during their stays in Cuba.

In June 2023, Maikel Montero Olivares, based in the United States, experienced moments of desperation when he lost his American residency card during his trip to Havana.

Months before, the Cuban Sara Neyra Martínez also turned to social media in search of help to recover her passport and residence card in the USA, after losing them at Havana Airport.

That same year, a Cuban woman, to whom the United States government approved her request for humanitarian parole, had her visa passport stolen the day before traveling to that country.

"The day before [taking the flight], at my house, there was a robbery, several things were stolen, and among them were documents, and among those documents was my passport; so I couldn't travel," he said in a video sent to Univisión 23 journalist Daniel Benítez.

Another case was that of Cuban Rainiel Beltrán Quiñones, 38 years old, who was stranded in Cuba since May of this year after losing his Italian identification documents.

The loss occurred in the province of Cienfuegos and was of their residence permit in Italy and identification card.

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