Housing marked by tragedy: Fire in Santiago de Cuba affects house where a family already died from an explosion.

The fire occurred on Wednesday night.

Lázaro Cuquet Piñón, one of the Cubans whose home was damaged on Wednesday night by a fire in the city of Santiago de Cuba, was already a witness 42 years ago to another serious fire in which his parents, grandparents, and a sister lost their lives, as revealed on social media by Aris Arias Batalla.

Cuquet Piñón survived on that occasion because he jumped out of the front window of the house.

The dramatic part is that the fire that originated that time after the explosion of two liquefied gas cylinders occurred again in the same house, which this time suffered partial damage after a disaster that started in the neighboring house.

Fortunately, this time there were no explosions, injuries, or fatalities.

The damage to Lázaro Cuquet's home was primarily in the roof of the house and in the living room area, due to being a common roof with the living area of the house where the fire originated.

Officials from the Municipal Administrative Council (CAM) and other state agencies such as housing, physical planning, community services, and others were present at the site.

Fight in the middle of a fire

Regarding the fight that took place during the fire and was revealed on social media, Aris Arias Batalla provided a version of events that is not enlightening.

"The unfortunate incident was that a firefighter arrived at the scene, identified himself, and tried to prevent neighbors from entering the house. When the first firefighting technician arrived, they noticed that their colleague was being physically assaulted, and while one was engaged in firefighting efforts, another went to support his fellow firefighter, who is the young man on the motorcycle seen in the video," the rescuer pointed out.

It was journalist Yosmany Mayeta Labrada who first reported the fire that broke out on Calvario Street between Santa Rosa and Princesa, for reasons that are unknown.

A video shared by the communicator showed that shortly after the fire truck arrived, a fight broke out among several young people, and at least one firefighter could be seen involved in the incident.

In the comments section of the post, an internet user identified as Iván Vélez clarified the reason for the confusing brawl in the midst of what was a moment of utmost emergency.

"To clarify doubts, there was no altercation with the firefighters. I was informed that there was a car parked at the corner of Santa Rosa, and when the fire truck drove up that street, the car was blocking its way," he explained.

"Two neighbors moved it to give way to the fire truck because the owner wasn't showing up. When the motorcycle owner arrived, he confronted the neighbors because it seemed that the movement had damaged the bike," he added.

Vélez specified that, apparently, "the complaint ended in a discussion and ultimately in a brawl. The owner of the motorcycle later identified himself as an officer of the DTI [Technical Investigation Department].”

Such a version is completely distanced from that announced by the official source.

The fire broke out around 10:40 p.m. on July 17 in a house owned by four brothers, one of whom resides in Havana.

At the time of the incident, there was nobody in the property. Three rooms suffered the most material damage. The front door of the house was forced open by neighboring residents, and according to witnesses, there was no electrical flow in that home.

The Ministry of the Interior (MININT) is investigating the causes of the fire.

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