Trump speaks out about the visit of a Russian nuclear submarine to Cuba.

"If I were the one leading this country and we had nuclear submarines in Cuba, the headlines every day would be 'What is happening to our president,'" Trump stated.

Donald Trump / Submarino ruso en Cuba © Campaña de Trump y CiberCuba
Donald Trump / Russian submarine in CubaPhoto © Trump Campaign and CiberCuba

Former President Donald Trump strongly criticized this Thursday the recent visit of the Russian Navy to Cuba during his acceptance speech for the candidacy in the last day of the Republican National Convention, which took place in Wisconsin.

"Russian warships and nuclear submarines are operating 60 miles [96 kilometers] off the coast of Cuba. Did you know that? The press refuses to write about it," he questioned in his speech, with which he accepted the Republican candidacy for the elections on November 5.

"If I were the one leading this country and we had nuclear submarines in Cuba, the headlines every day would be 'What's happening to our president,'" Trump said.

In June, three ships and a nuclear-powered submarine of the Russian Navy arrived on an official visit to the port of Havana, which Cuban authorities described as a routine practice for naval units of allies, denying that the ships were carrying nuclear weapons and posed a threat to the region.

Specifically, the detachment was composed of the frigate Admiral Gorshkov, the tanker Akadémik Pashin, the salvage tug Nikolái Chiker, and the nuclear submarine Kazán.

The government of the United States deployed several warships and a submarine reconnaissance aircraft to track the course of the Russian flotilla. The U.S. deployment includes two destroyers: the USS Truxtun and the USS Donald Cook, as well as a Coast Guard vessel, the Stone, and a maritime patrol aircraft, the Boeing P-8.

Trump has said that if he reaches the White House, he will resume the policy of his previous administration towards Cuba, when he attempted to reverse the normalization of diplomatic relations opened by Barack Obama.

Cuban-American congresswomen María Elvira Salazar and Carlos Giménez, who attended the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, stated that a Republican victory in the presidential elections in November would put the regime in Havana on the ropes and, over time, would end its communist system.

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