About six thousand people have emigrated to Cuba since 2020.

The migratory balance is negative. Cuba's effective population decreased by 10.1% in three years, and the government acknowledges that it will continue to decline.

The Cuban government shared demographic data for the last three years, and although it may seem surprising given the context of the economic, political, and social crisis the country is experiencing, about six thousand people emigrated to Cuba during that period.

The deputy head of the National Office of Statistics and Information (ONEI), Juan Carlos Alfonso Fraga, stated in his presentation of the Migration Law project that by the end of 2023, there were 6,263 immigrants reported in Cuba.

Official data, ONEI

Despite these six thousand immigrants, in the last three years, the Cuban population decreased by 10.1%. Alfonso Fraga did not specify when this process began, but he indicated that it is not a new phenomenon. The natural growth in the country is negative, meaning that more people die than are born.

The migration balance is also negative. Although six thousand people emigrated to Cuba in three years, at least 1,011,269 people left the country permanently.

In December 2023, the "effective population" stood at 10,055,968 citizens, but this number has decreased in the last six months, and it is now estimated that fewer than 10 million people live in Cuba.

The government recognizes as effective population "all those who, in a calendar year, were born in the country or in another country, but reside permanently, have accumulated 180 days or more of residence in the same during the last 365 days, and have not passed away."

Alfonso Fraga's statements were made during the third ordinary session of the National Assembly of People's Power this Friday and highlight the importance of demographic indicators in the country's economic and social policies.

The official acknowledged that all government data is inaccurate because Cuba has gone more than 12 years without conducting a population and housing census.

The State asserts that it does not have the necessary resources to conduct a census at the moment and has postponed it for three years despite the importance of this demographic data. The next tentative date is set for 2025, but so far the regime claims that they do not have the conditions to carry it out.

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