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El Salvador offers citizenship and work to foreign professionals

“We will facilitate their relocation by guaranteeing 0% taxes and duties on the transfer of families and assets. This includes items of commercial value such as equipment, software and intellectual property,” explained President Nayib Bukele.

El presidente salvadoreño Nayib Bukele © X / @nayibbukele
Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele Photo © X / @nayibbukele

The Salvadoran president,Nayib Bukele Orthesis, offered this Saturday 5,000 free passports for highly qualified foreign professionals who decide to settle in the Central American country.

“We are offering 5,000 free passports (equivalent to $5 billion in our passport program) to highly qualified scientists, engineers, doctors, artists and philosophers from abroad,” Bukele announced on the social network X.

Likewise, the president indicated that those chosen for this program will enjoy the status of “full citizens” (which includes the right to vote), and will have a tax exemption for their transfer and that of their family members, as well as their assets.

“We will facilitate their relocation by guaranteeing 0% taxes and duties on the transfer of families and assets. This includes items of commercial value such as equipment, software and intellectual property,” Bukele explained.

Likewise, the Salvadoran president stated that the contribution of these foreigners “will have a great impact on our society and the future of our country,” and their number does not represent an alteration of the electoral roll.

“This represents less than 0.1% of our population, so granting them the status of full citizens, including the right to vote, does not pose any problem,” said Bukele, who took a six-month leave of absence from his position since on December 1 to participate in the February presidential elections, in which he won presidential reelection to govern the country for another five years starting June 1, 2024.

“Stay tuned for more details,” the president concluded, without offering more details about his plan to attract foreign talent.

The news was not very well received by the Salvadoran opposition, which considers it essential to put the rights of its citizens first before carrying out immigration experiments.

El Salvador It has become a starting point for thousands of people from all over the world who want to emigrate to the United States.

For this reason, since last year, the Salvadoran authorities imposed a tax of $1,000 on passengers of 57 nationalities - which does not affect Cubans - who arrive in the country through the San Óscar Romero international airport.

Until now, Cubans and other citizens of the American continent are exempt from paying this fee, so the condition to pass through El Salvador continues to be a transit visa if they exceed 12 hours at the country's airport.

President Bukeleswept the El Salvador elections held at the beginning of February, thus guaranteeing his mandate until June 1, 2029.

"According to our numbers, we have won the presidential election with more than 85% of the votes and a minimum of 58 out of 60 deputies in the Assembly. The record in the entire democratic history of the world," the controversial announced on his social networks. leader.

Bukele Ortez enjoys great popularity in his country and in Latin America, despite such controversial measures as the creation of a mega prison designed to protect 40,000 gang members, called the Terrorism Confinement Center (CECOT), which is part ofhis offensive against crime and delinquency.

In 2021, he identified himself in his biography on the social network Twitter as "the coolest dictator in the world".

After his incontestable victory, the Cuban rulerMiguel Díaz-Canel congratulated him through the social network

A video circulating on social networks shows statements by Bukele about Cuba, made several years ago, when he was still mayor. It defines the island as a place of reference, on issues such as citizen security,public health and the education.

Users who have interacted with that video assure that the Salvadoran president spoke from ignorance, based on the references that there are in many Latin American countries about the Cuban system.

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