Cuban animal rights activist celebrates successful operation of a puppy: "We did it again"

"We will see him run on his four little legs," said the activist, expressing hope for Simbad's recovery.

Simbad, antes de ser operado © Facebook / Yenney Caballero
Simbad, before being operated onPhoto © Facebook / Yenney Caballero

Cuban animal rights activist Yenney Caballero celebrated last Monday on social media the successful surgery of Simbad, a puppy who was suffering from a bone fracture that prevented him from walking.

The activist expressed on Facebook: “We did it once again, and I am happy. Together, we saved many lives.” Days before, she had requested help to raise 18,000 pesos needed to cover the puppy's surgical intervention.

Facebook Capture / Yenney Caballero

The puppy was successfully operated on, as the activist shared on her social media and thanked everyone who trusted her, highlighting the importance of the support received through donations and the dissemination of her posts. "Thank you for giving me the strength to continue in this mission," she expressed with gratitude.

Caballero also acknowledged the contribution of many people, to whom he is deeply grateful.

Motivated by this support, she reaffirmed her commitment to continue her work for the benefit of animals: “We will keep doing good deeds because if you support me, I will continue fighting for the animals.”

Finally, the activist promised to keep her followers informed about the puppy's progress and expressed optimism about its recovery, stating hopefully: "We'll see it running on its four little legs. Yes, it can be done."

Facebook Capture / Yenney Caballero

On other occasions, Caballero has demonstrated his unconditional love for animals.

Recently, the activist also mobilized the community of Cuban animal defenders to financially support the operation of another puppy that suffered a bone fracture after falling from a staircase.

Facebook Capture / Yenney Caballero

On that occasion, he requested help to raise the 16,500 pesos necessary to operate on the little dog, who suffered a radial and ulnar fracture.

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