Ships from Russia's Baltic Fleet will arrive in Havana.

The Russian presence in Cuban jurisdictional waters occurs just weeks after the stay of the frigate “Gorshkov,” the nuclear-powered submarine “Kazan,” the oil tanker of the fleet “Pashin,” and the rescue tugboat “Nikolai Chiker.”

Navío de combate ruso © Facebook/Minfar Cuba
Russian warshipPhoto © Facebook/Minfar Cuba

Less than two months after the presence of Russian combat vessels in Cuba, the Ministry of the Revolutionary Armed Forces (MINFAR) announced this Wednesday that several ships from the Russian Baltic Fleet will arrive in Havana Bay on the upcoming July 27.

In an informative note published on the social network Facebook, the MINFAR announced that the group is made up of the training ship "Smólniy," the patrol vessel "Neustrahim," and the deep-sea tanker "Yelnya."

Facebook post/Minfar Cuba

"The visits of naval units from other countries is a historical practice of the revolutionary Government with nations with which we maintain relations of friendship and collaboration," the text states.

"During their stay in our country, the Russian sailors will carry out a program of activities that includes courtesy visits to the Chief of the Revolutionary Navy, the Governor of the capital, as well as touring places of historic and cultural interest," it states.

Likewise, the military entity announces that the public will be able to visit the training ship "Smólniy" on Sunday the 28th from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm, and on Monday the 29th between 12:00 pm and 6:00 pm.

The Russian presence in Cuban jurisdictional waters occurs just a few weeks after the stay of the frigate "Gorshkov", the nuclear-powered submarine "Kazan", the oil tanker of the fleet "Pashin", and the salvage tug "Nikolai Chiker".

On that occasion, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the island stated in a communiqué that the visit was in accordance with "the historic friendship relations between Cuba and the Russian Federation," and that "it strictly adheres to the international regulations of which Cuba is a party."

At all times, the United States government was aware of the vessels, which generated great interest among Cubans and foreign tourists, who had the opportunity to tour the modern frigate Admiral "Gorshkov."

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