Cuban young firefighters obtain titles in Russia.

The graduation took place in Red Square in Moscow.

Bomberos cubanos en Rusia © Prensa Latina
Cuban firefighters in RussiaPhoto © Prensa Latina

Eighteen young Cubans recently graduated from the State Fire Service Academy of Russia as fire protection engineers.

The graduation ceremony held in Red Square in Moscow also served for 82 students from 13 countries to receive their degrees from this Academy, belonging to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Eurasian country.

For five years, Cubans received subjects related to theory and practice, and the application of experiments in both laboratories and exercises in polygons, according to a report by the official Prensa Latina agency.

The Cubans, in addition to this degree, obtained certifications as drone pilots, a crucial skill for handling emergency situations, according to the media outlet.

Lieutenant Arnaldo Bombino, a recent graduate, expressed that they prepared a dictionary in Russian and Spanish languages where the main topics and concepts related to firefighting subjects are developed.

"All the knowledge and skills acquired in classrooms and training fields will have to be perfected in practice and applied in work every day," said the head of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, Alexander Kurenkov, at the ceremony.

While the director of the State Fire Academy, Lieutenant General of the Internal Service, Vyacheslav Butko, expressed confidence that the character qualities instilled in the institution - determination, loyalty to duty, willingness to help - will always be inherent in the graduates, and added that "the doors of the university will be open to the students."

With this graduation, Cuba reinforces its ties with the government of Russia, through exchanges that are achieving important collaborations in terms of security and its military officers.

A few days ago it was announced that Cuban police officers and lawyers will be trained at Russian universities.

"In Russia, police officers and lawyers from Cuba will be trained. This is very important to strengthen the relations between us," emphasized the Cuban Minister of Justice Oscar Manuel Slivera Martínez after participating in the International Legal Forum of St. Petersburg.

The Cuban government official emphasized that these exchanges and trainings help to strengthen the interaction between the justice ministries of both countries and highlighted the similarity of many institutions, especially legal ones.

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