Cuban from Houston shows inside and outside her house on the island.

Cubana de Texas shows how her house in Cuba looks now.

A Cuban resident in Houston, Texas, went viral by showing on TikTok what her home in Cuba is like. A series of videos in which she details her house on the island. Images that have caused a sensation on the social network, especially among the Cuban community on TikTok, which has congratulated user @lopezbasulto for the home she has on the island and where she stays when she travels to Cuba to be in her homeland and with her family.

In the video, the Cuban provides a visual tour of the different rooms in her house, from the cozy living room to the kitchen. Each space is decorated to her liking, with thoughtful details to make her stay as comfortable as possible.

This video has not only resonated with other Cubans who miss their homeland, but it has also allowed people from other parts of the world to learn a little more about life in Cuba. Among the comments, there are many messages congratulating her on her beautiful home and sending blessings to this Cuban woman.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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