Cuban from Kentucky sends a message to newly arrived Cubans: "They have no idea."

A Cuban woman in Kentucky warns about car insurance prices.

A Cuban resident in Kentucky (@zuleeeeeee87), who works in the insurance field, has shared a video on TikTok reflecting on the current situation of insurance prices in the state and giving advice to newcomers.

"They feel the lack of companies offering competitive prices for houses," she explained. However, what worries this professional the most is the increase in car insurance prices."

In their message, they call on those who have been in the United States for a while to guide newcomers on the true cost of owning a car in the country. "To those people who have been in this country for quite a while or those who have not been here for so long and have friends or acquaintances coming to this country, give a little guidance to those people who do not know what they are getting into when they buy a car," they said.

He described the situation as critical, especially for those who are starting out. "Uninformed people are coming, and when they buy a car, they have no idea that car insurance can cost them a fortune. We are talking about high prices. A significant amount especially for people who are starting out. Prices are rising more and more. The cost of cars and their repairs is going up, and therefore everything will continue to rise."

The Cuban woman recounted the experience of a man who contacted her, desperate after receiving several quotes from different companies, all above $400 per month. "He has been in this country for 3 months and is desperate because he doesn't know whether to use the car, sell it again, he can't put it in his name because he doesn't have insurance," she explained. Faced with his situation, she recommended that he seek help from a family member or friend.

The situation is difficult not only for newcomers but also for those who have been in the country for a longer time. "It's quite hard, hopefully at some point it will begin to change. For those of us who have been here for some time, we are having a tough time with insurance. The people who are arriving have no clue."

Finally, he mentioned that in Florida, homeowners are the most affected by high home insurance prices, pointing out that the insurance price crisis is widespread throughout the country.

This video has resonated among many TikTok users, especially among Cubans, who agree that prices are high.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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