The water supply crisis in Havana continues.

The most unfavorable situation is in the five municipalities in the center of the city, in addition to Boyeros.

Trabajadores de la Empresa Aguas de La Habana © Gobierno de La Habana / Facebook / Tony Hernández Mena
Workers of the Aguas de La Habana CompanyPhoto © Government of Havana / Facebook / Tony Hernández Mena

The water supply crisis in Havana continues due to a shortage of pumping equipment, which worsened the situation that occurred on Sunday when a malfunction in the main pipeline of the Cuenca Sur supply source left half the city without water.

Inés María Chapman, the first vice prime minister of the Republic, visited the Empresa Aguas de La Habana on Friday to learn about the actions being taken amid what she described as a "complex situation with the service".

Rosaura Socarrás Ordaz, deputy operations director of the entity, specified that the most unfavorable situation is in the five municipalities in the center of the capital, as well as Boyeros, where the main impacts are concentrated.

Facebook Capture / Government of Havana

According to the specialist, the damage has decreased as the pumping equipment has been installed. By Thursday, 15 were operating, and two more were supposed to be added on Friday and Saturday.

Repair brigades are working non-stop at the supply sources of Cuenca Sur and Ariguanabo, which supply the municipalities in the central and western parts of the capital.

Cuenca Sur is still working with 17 out of the 19 teams it usually operates with.

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