A throwback for a laugh: Cuqui La Mora recalls her performance in the comedy "Do You Swear to Tell the Truth?"

The Cuban comedian owes her stage name Cuqui La Mora precisely to this program.

If there is a show that left a great mark among Cubans, it is the humorous "Do you swear to tell the truth?". More than a decade after its broadcast on Cuban television, actors and audiences continue to remember the craziness that occurred in that atypical courtroom.

The Cuban comedian Aleanis Jáuregui, who owes her pseudonym Cuqui La Mora to this program, shared on her Instagram in memory of her time in this space.

"Tbt Do you swear to tell the truth?" wrote the artist in a post on that social network along with a snippet from one of the episodes.

It's impossible to forget a Cuqui La Mora who entered the courtroom like she owned the place, sweeping everything in her path.

The "calm and without delay" that accompanied her during her triumphant entrance is present in this video, as are her phrases at an astronomical speed that I often had to translate into "Spanish" for them to be understood, although it was enough to look at her to know that only insults came from her mouth, most of them directed at the accused Chivichana (Ulises Toirac).

Even outside of Cuba, building a career in Miami, Aleanis is and will continue to be Cuqui La Mora for Cubans.

Just a few days ago, it was news that one of the stars of this Cuban comedy, Hilario Peña, the Judge from “Do you swear to tell the truth?” is in Miami.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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