Luis Manuel Otero manages to communicate after more than ten days on hunger strike.

Otero Alcántara was on a hunger strike for 10 days.

Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara © Facebook / Luis Manuel Otero
Luis Manuel Otero AlcántaraPhoto © Facebook / Luis Manuel Otero

Independent artist Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara communicated via telephone with Cuban activists and confirmed that he spent 10 days on a hunger strike.

The information was shared on social media by Yanelys Nuñez, who has been denouncing the situation of Otero Alcántara and other political prisoners in Cuba.

According to the activist, the artist spent 20 days incommunicado, and in a phone call, he stated that his silence was due to a hunger strike he had been conducting for over 10 days in the Guanajay prison.

He said that currently Otero Alcántara is recovering, although the total impact of this hunger strike on his body is still unknown, since he has not received adequate medical care.

Facebook post

During the protest, he ended up urinating blood, which has raised deep concern among his relatives, he explained.

Despite his physical and mental deterioration, the result of three years of unjust imprisonment, Otero Alcántara continues to appeal to peaceful protest as a way to demand his freedom.

He was arrested on July 11, 2021, when he was trying to participate in the anti-government protests that day in Cuba.

Otero Alcántara became the main oppositional figure against the Cuban regime from his home in the San Isidro neighborhood, where he led several hunger strikes and artistic expressions that challenged totalitarianism on the island.

On February 7th, a court denied the request for parole in favor of Otero Alcántara and determined that the activist must remain in jail.

He has been imprisoned since the protests on July 11, 2021, and is serving a five-year prison sentence.

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