Cubans in Florida show the van they built to fulfill their dream of traveling across the United States.

After 12 years living in the United States, a Cuban couple builds their van to travel across the country.

One of the big dreams of a couple of Cubans in Florida is to travel across the United States in the van they built. A caravan they named "Victory," which its owner showcased on her TikTok account @mariyalanix, where she details this vehicle that her husband made.

"I'm going to show you the van that my husband created, he bought it but he made it. Look, all of this is the stove, the fridge, the microwave. It turned out really nice. This is the bathroom with its shower. Here are the closets and the bed, with its television," she comments while showing the interior of the van.

The couple, who have been in the United States for 12 years, has explored little of the country and now dreams of getting to know it in depth. "My husband and I want to travel and get to know the United States. We've been here for 12 years and know little, we want to get to know it, it's important to us because it's beautiful," the woman shares.

In addition, the Cuban reflects on the difference between life in the United States and in Cuba, expressing gratitude for the opportunities they have found in their new homeland. "Here we also found freedom, and it is different from Cuba. I thank God for all of this," she concludes her video, showing not only her appreciation for the van but also for the life they have built together.

The video has quickly gone viral, resonating with many users who share the dream of exploring and enjoying the freedoms that the United States offers.

"Seeing that you built it yourselves inspires me to believe that I can do it too," "You are escaping, God will accompany you, you deserve it, enjoy your life," "More Cubans like you," "Many blessings, that is the true life, take advantage and explore," "How beautiful, what pride to see a Cuban sibling achieving positive and pleasant things here in this beautiful country," or "How good it is to see Cubans like this fighting for their dreams, enjoy your travels," are some of the comments they received from this couple.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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