"Everything new arrives here first": Spanish TikToker shares the five things he likes most about the U.S.

"They do everything on a grand scale."

A young Spanish TikToker is causing a sensation with a video on the platform, where he shared his top 5 favorite things about the United States.

Nacho, @nachobarrueco_, highlighted among the things that he sees as positive that in the U.S. everything is done on a large scale.

"When you order popcorn at the cinema, they give you a box so big that you could share it with eight other people," he remarks humorously. "And that's not all! He also mentions that the drinks in restaurants are gigantic, like 2-liter lemonades, and that the shows are impressive."

"In summary, they spare no effort and will meet your expectations for 10," it states.

But that is not the only thing that fascinates this boy, as he also praised the opportunities that the country offers. "The United States is seen as a lifeline country, where many people have managed to climb socially and economically, regardless of their background," he stated, citing the low unemployment rate and the ease of starting a business as indicators of this.

Additionally, he is amazed by the country's sports culture, where "sports such as hockey, basketball, American football, and baseball are experienced with intensity."

And it couldn't be overlooked to mention how quickly technological innovations arrive and the strong patriotism that unites Americans.

The reactions from his followers have been quite varied. Some couldn't agree more with Nacho: "USA is the best country on the planet"; "You talk about it with so much enthusiasm and energy that it really makes me want to go there"; "I love your videos and your reasoning and shouts, I totally agree with everything you comment, keep it up, success"; "The level of patriotism and love for the law enforcement that exists in the US is something indescribable"; "God bless America, for me the best country in the world"; "You are very brave to go work in another country, very good. A hug from Barcelona," they told him.

But there were also criticisms and differing viewpoints: "They don't spare in violence either, it's like living in GTA"; "Obesity because junk food is cheaper"; "Patriotism is not a virtue, for me"; "That's how they are. Obese and hooked on consumerism"; "In technology and innovation, they are far behind China, autonomous cars, electric cars, chips, they arrive before Europe but not before China," others remarked.

Nacho, for his part, had shared a previous video referring, precisely, to what he liked least about the United States.

What would be your top 5 things that you like the most and the least about the United States?

What do you think?


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