Cuban in the USA advocates for support and unity among Cubans: "I will always pull for my own."

Cubana earns applause among her followers by stating that she would prefer to hire Cubans over people from other nationalities.

A Cuban woman in the United States named Yenny has earned the applause of the Cuban community on TikTok by expressing her preference for hiring compatriots over other nationalities in response to a viral video of another Cuban who expressed the opposite.

In her video, @yennyxgonzalez660 starts by saying: "I don't agree with degrading your own race. I am Cuban, and if I have a company and a Mexican and a Cuban come to me, I will hire the Cuban. I'm not against the Mexican, but the Cuban is family."

"Among Cubans, we understand each other a little better. I have had bad experiences with Cubans, but that doesn't mean they are all the same. They are almost perfect. There are bad people everywhere. I will always support Cubans. There’s nothing better than having a Cuban environment."

The young woman also criticized other Cuban women who prefer to hire people from other nationalities rather than their own compatriots, arguing that "for me, that is wrong." In her opinion, uplifting and supporting one's own race is crucial.

"I elevate my race because it is perfect. Above all, I will choose Cubans. We Cubans are not sweet to please everyone; we are beautiful," he added.

Finally, he called for unity and empathy among Cubans, highlighting the importance of not following the negative example of some Cuban reggaeton artists who criticize each other.

"All races are going to defend theirs, and I am going to defend mine. If you are Cuban, we are going to be more united and have more empathy with each other. We are not going to be like the Cuban reggaeton artists who attack each other," he concluded.

What do you think?


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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