Cuban priest confesses: "I have thought about asking God for things to get worse."

The parish priest believes that only a profound political change in Cuba can reverse the socioeconomic crisis that the country is experiencing.

Cuban priest Alberto Reyes recently dedicated a reflection to his desire to ask God for things to worsen in Cuba, to see if this brings about a reaction in society and a change towards development.

The parish priest warned that only a radical political change can save Cubans from the crisis the country is in, because the government will not act in the interest of the people.

"Our leaders lie to us, trying to extend their stay in power for as long as possible, at the expense of the suffering and slow death of a people they have no interest in, whom they seem to hate and despise instead. But that doesn't irritate us enough to say enough," said the priest.

In his message, Reyes calls for a fight for freedom to prevent Cuba from becoming a place with bodies piled up everywhere.

The priest, a fervent critic of the Cuban government, sent a message to political prisoners and their families in July.

He advised them on that occasion to pray to God and talk to Him about their pain, their anger, and their fear. Above all, he warns them to ask for the light of their souls, so that this time in prison does not corrupt them.

The parish priest of the Archdiocese of Camagüey believes that the regime's victory is not to imprison those who question it, but to destroy their souls, filling them with hatred and resentment forever.

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